Photo of Me

Sandro Hawke
twitter: @sandhawke


Expertise: Misinformation/Credibility Tech, Decentralized Systems, Software Development, Full-Stack Web HTTP/REST/HTML/CSS/React, Distributed Systems, Computer Security, UNIX/Linux, IaaS/SaaS, Database Systems, Semantic Web, Consensus Standards Process, Education & Outreach, Lean Startup, Project and Product Management

Languages: JavaScript, Go, C/C++, Python, Prolog, Perl, Assembly, Java


HawkeWorks LLC (self)2018-

Developed tech and community to respond to misinformation, with funding from Google, Facebook, and CUNY Newmark School.

W3C / MIT 2000-2018

Senior member of Tim Berners-Lee's team, helping guide the future of the Web.

Information Roads Foundation 1994-2000

Software research and development, at small non-profit I created

ELF Communications, Infomatrix1991-1994

Co-founded multiple short-lived Internet startups.

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) 1986-1991

Built system management tools for univerity-wide operations, unix + mainframe.

UC Berkeley Academic Talent Development Program Summers, 1983-1986

Taught AP Computer Science to gifted 8th graders. Designed and managed computer lab.

Major Projects

TrustLamp 2020

Designed and implemented responsive webapp for building trust online. App supports collaboration in deciding which information sources are trustworthy. Includes integrated Twitter crawler, interactive graph visualizations, and optimizations for handling large social graphs.

Credible Web / Credibility Signals 2017-

Led efforts within W3C community to use tech against misinformation, primarily using the Credibility Signals approach of sharing data relevant to credibility assessments. Organized and ran weekly community meetings. Managed outreach. Produced and edited group deliverables and created prototype/demo software.

Crosscloud / Solid2012-2016

Created and led project to bootstrap ecosystem of decentralized applications based on standardized RDF Linked Data. Operating at MIT under Sir Tim Berners-Lee, I raised $3m+ in grant funding and organized the effort which later became Berner-Lee's startup, Inrupt.

Data Web Standards 2001-2017

Provided technical leadership and industry coordination for various W3C Working Groups as Staff Contact for: RDF Core and 1.1, Web Ontology (OWL and OWL 2), RDF Data Access (SPARQL 1.1), RDF Data Shapes (SHACL), Provenance Interchange (PROV), Rule Interchange Format (RIF), Government Linked Data (eGov), Linked Data Platform (LDP), and Social Web (ActivityStreams, ActivityPub, WebSub, WebMention).

Included some software development, eg: surnia OWL reasoner, xtan XML fallback mechanism, a RIF-in-RDF translator, and CommonScribe for meeting minutes.

Semwalker / Ontaria 2003-2004

Developed one of the first server-side Semantic Web browsers, with associated search engine, and experimentally deployed it as a directory for finding ontologies/vocabularies. Written in SWI Prolog with BerkeleyDB, with both inference and custom views driven by loadable rulesets.

Semantic Web Architecture 2001-2004

Contributed to ongoing design debates in various public and private communities. Co-authored "tag:" URI scheme (RFC 4151), and proposed the eventually-accepted "303 See Other" solution to notorius TAG issue httpRange-14.

ROADS / Connect-2 1988-2000

Developed successive prototypes for a decentralized application platform, aimed at allowing easy creation of multi-user software without any central bottleneck or point of control. Various experimental versions written in C, C++, and Java.

CB / Connect 1984-1991

Lead in creating, operating, promoting, and moderating multiple generations of university online discussion and gaming platforms.


Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) B.S. 1986